NOTICE: Please note that High Valley Stoves are no longer in production. For replacement parts, please contact Good Chimney Services on our “Parts” page.
Thank you.
Why use a wood stove? Well, is anything more enjoyable than a wood fire on a cold winter’s night? It seems as if nothing else can create the feeling of family and togetherness than gathering around a warm fire. The penetrating warmth that a good wood stove delivers can drive away the meanest winter chill. Whether you’re creating a cozy, warm space in your home where your family gathers or looking to do the lion’s share of your home heating, High Valley has the stove for you.

High Valley Stoves set the benchmark for wood stoves with a high level of quality in materials, unique design and unparalleled workmanship. An advanced design creates clean burning, highly efficient, extremely low emissions wood burning stoves that produce lower emissions than the most stringent standards set by the EPA. With today’s emphasis on emissions, is a wood stove still a relevant choice? We say “absolutely”. No heat warms the home and heart like a bright, crackling wood fire. Find a dealer near you and experience the High Valley difference.